Category: GMO

GMO Labelling Bill

Lance Harvell testifying before the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Photos by Jean English. Governor promises he’ll sign in January Two hundred people rallying under Maine Governor Paul LePage’s windows at the State House; 91 percent of Maine people polled saying they want labeling; Rep. Lance Harvell working the halls of the

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Agricultural Coexistence

By CR Lawn In recent years both the USDA and Maine Department of Agriculture have openly pushed a program of coexistence between organic farmers and farmers who choose to use transgenic technology (genetically engineered crops – also called GE crops or GMOs). In 2011 the USDA reconvened the Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century

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Arctic Apples

By C. J. Walke Most MOFGA members and supporters I talk with at organic orcharding workshops and other events don’t seem to mind eating an apple that has a cosmetic blemish, such as insect feeding scars or a touch of scab. In fact, I’ve pulled MOFGA-grown apples out of storage for events in March and

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GE Update

Maine Right to Know Continues Campaign on Genetically Engineered Foods Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone Affects Offspring By Jean English Acreage of two GE crops declined in the United States this year relative to last. Soy acreage dropped from 57 to 54%; and corn from 33% to 20 percent. Engineered cotton, on the other hand, increased

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By Jean English “When you have cut down the last tree and polluted the last river, eliminated the last living being, you’ll realise that you can’t eat money.” Banner put up by protesters at the entrance to the Novartis headquarters in Orrigio, Italy, in May. ” … we are already at the point where deeper

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“We’ve continued right on with work on the Technology Protection System [Terminator]. We never really slowed down. We’re on target, moving ahead to commercialize it. We never really backed off.” – Harry Collins, Delta & Pine Land Seed Co., January, 2000 A report called “Suicide Seeds on the Fast Track,” released by the Rural Advancement

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Petunia Genes

Only Monsanto Knows For Sure! • Maine Consumers Refused Right to Know Food Ingredients • Monsanto Goofs, Recalls Seed Containing Unapproved Gene By Jean English We are in the midst of a genetic revolution, with some new feat of genetic engineering being reported in the news every week or, sometimes, every day. While some supporters

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Organic at Risk

The Gerritsens’ Letter to the EPA By Jim Gerritsen Editor’s Note: While Monsanto continues to engineer more varieties of potatoes to be toxic to the Colorado potato beetle, organic growers continue to protest what they see as an irresponsible use of a useful insecticide. This article, reprinted from The WoodPrairie SeedPiece (Winter/Spring 1997) explains why

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MOFGA has been closely monitoring the issue of compliance with the 2001 Maine genetic contamination legislation, “An Act to Protect Against Contamination of Crops and Wild Plant Populations by Genetically Engineered Plants.” We’ve concluded that Monsanto’s “compliance” with this legislation in “instructions” misses the mark by a long shot. Following is the text of a

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