Maine Produce Safety Improvement Grant

Maine Produce Safety Improvement Grants (MPSIG) help specialty crop growers i.e, growers of fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture but excluding commodity crops) to:

  • Implement on-farm food safety practices;
  • Transition to compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSR);
  • Meet market demands for on-farm food safety.


Proposed projects are restricted to improving the food safety of specialty crops. We will be awarding grants up to $10,000 to 15 farms. Prior awardees are not eligible.

Allowed Project Investments:

  • Plastic Harvest Totes
  • Stainless Steel Handwashing Sinks
  • Small Greens Bubblers 
  • Salad Spinners
  • Stainless Steel Tables and Carts

Important Dates:

October 31st: Application available, apply below!

December 20th: Application deadline, apply below!

Date TBA: Grant recipient participation in required Produce Safety Alliance Course with Robson Machado.

March 1st: SOP’s for new project investments due.

Need more information? Connect with Anna Mueller, [email protected], (207) 568-6017. 

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